Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Liberty or Death

We as Americans have been led down a primrose path by the Democrats/Socialists/Progressives (all interchangeable) into believing that we all need to get along and be at one with our goverment.  All the while paying whatever new higher tax rate they impose on us to pay for their kindness.  We fought a revolution to overthough a totalitarian, tyrantical government that was trying to run our lives back in 1775.  We have learned nothing from history, in fact, we have gone to great lengths in our school systems to purge the true history and replace it with revisionist history that sets out to make us feel ashamed of our history and our founding Fathers principles.  They were acutely aware of the worlds history and the tyrants of their time and prior.  Our Constitution was written to limit the powers of government and to tell them in the Bill of Rights what they could never touch.  Almost before the ink was dry the agents of big government started to lay their plans to destroy that document.  It never gained any foot hold untill the early 1900's with the first progressive President Theodore Roosvelt.  Although he did love this country, he hated big business.  He laid alot of the ground work that later President Woodrow Wilson would build upon.  He saw government as a shining light in the darkness that would guide everyone to prosperity.  The only problem with that idea is that government doesn't create anything.  It must first take away from someone in order to "give" to someone else.  They always try to sound so concerned with the poor or the under priveliged.  The problem with that is that they are usually very rich and instead of using their money the want to use yours.  Looks good on the surface, but with very little scratching you get to the crude meat of their intentions.  To stay in power.  They are very elitist.  We as Americans had better reaise thast their are powers working against us or we will neer survive as the once great nation we used to be.  As the great patriot Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty, or give me death"!